Friday, October 1, 2010

I was also caught in the web of pornography

“Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.” - 1 Corinthians 6: 9,10

Sexual Sin: This is something that can pull anyone in and in a blink of the eye you are addicted. It is not just the pornography, it is more than that. With it comes to lust, perverse sex, masturbation and many more.

I was introduced to pornography at a very young age. A friend at primary school had some books and films and I started looking at it. I thought this was the coolest thing and I wanted more and wanted to see more. From that day I was addicted to pornography and I started to look at girls in a different way. Girls weren’t girls anymore...

I was a shy chap and never had the courage to speak to girls. I did not have a good image and was very insecure. I found that I could replace that gap by spending time with pornography.

The porn monster went to the army with me, to work and also walked with me into my marriage. It was here where things got ugly and it was like the addiction intensified. I bought pornography magazines and hid them in various places in our home. Later on I viewed pornography on the web and on my cell phone. I had no idea that I had brought a curse onto my marriage and family.

This went on until the 14th year of my marriage when my wife came across the websites on my cell phone and confronted me. (Thank God)

That was the most humiliating day of my life ... ever. I saw what I was doing to my wife and that my behaviour had broken her heart. I realised that I had a problem and that I needed help. My help come from God shortly after that. I was driving home one evening when God touched my heart, I cried like a baby, told God that I did not want to continue with it. I asked God to forgive me and to heal me completely from the addiction and to change my life.

My life turned around 360 degrees and we (my wife and I) started to walk the road to healing with Jesus our Saviour. I can only thank God that my wife didn’t leave me and stood by me in this process. If God did not show her the pornography that day, I would have been nothing today.

If you place your sins and problems at the feet of Jesus, and you invite him into your heart and make him the Lord of your life, your life will change. The Holy Spirit will move in and God will start working within you. You will never be the same. To repent is the best feeling. You have nothing to hide and the weight will fall of your shoulders. It was a difficult road sometimes, but surely the best and worth it.

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