Friday, January 31, 2014

Flee sexual immorality

“Flee sexual immorality” 1 Cor 6:28

God calls some serious judgement on it. The Greek word for sexual immorality is porneia, from which we get the word ‘pornography’. Why’s God so anti-porn?

Porn is very addictive.  Being exposed to it gives us a kick. Millions get into a never-ending cycle of needing more hectic images to reach the same ‘high’.

Porn dehumanises sex. God intended sex to be something beautiful – shared in a lifelong marriage based on love and respect.

Porn turns sex into self-absorbed, shallow entertainment and other people into mere objects of pleasure.

Porn impacts our sexual behaviour. Visual images create a desire in us to try it out in real life. For example, research shows that most child molester’s rapists are spurred on by a porn habit.

Porn can scar our mind with shocking images that stick there and undermine personal purity and innocence.

Porn creates unrealistic expectations of real-life sex, turning normal, fulfilling sex into a disappointment.

Porn causes us to live a live with a sense of guild about our secret habits, leaving us in fear of being found out.

Keep your mind tidy. Your wife/husband is worth it.

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