Monday, October 24, 2011

Oral and Anal Sex

Check out this very insightful article from one of my favorite Christian Organization: Focus on the Family:

What is Focus on the Family's perspective on the issues of oral and anal sex?

What's appropriate and what isn't?

As a Christian organization, Focus on the Family draws its beliefs about sexuality from the Bible. Scripture makes it clear that sex is God's special gift to a husband and wife within the bonds of matrimony. It is meant exclusively for marriage.

In addition, the Bible has three important things to say about the meaning and purpose of marital sex: first, it is central to the process by which husband and wife become one flesh (Genesis 2:24); second, it is the means whereby they participate in the ongoing work of God's creation through the pleasure and delight of procreation (Genesis 1:28); third, it is intended to serve as a picture or symbol of the union between Christ and His Church (Ephesians 5:31, 32). Sex, then, isn't supposed to be "all about me." From first to last, it is designed to function as part of the give-and-take of an interpersonal relationship. It is a holy mystery, a powerful bonding agent that shapes and affects the relationship between a man and a woman as nothing else can.

These are the theological perspectives and biblical principles that should inform and shape any couple's expression of physical intimacy in marriage. From the Christian standpoint, marriage is a relationship of love in which a man and a woman model for each other the self-sacrificial nature of Christ's love for His church. Where there is love, there is liberty, since God has entrusted solely to husband and wife the prerogative of defining the particulars of their sexual relationship — no one else is authorized to tell them how to behave in the bedroom. But love also implies that each spouse is obligated to treat the needs, feelings, desires, and preferences of his or her mate as matters of the highest priority.

The Bible never addresses the question of oral sex in marriage, and for this reason we are of the opinion that this issue must be left to a couple's own judgment. (We realize, of course, that some Christians have strong reservations about oral sex, and we respect their point of view.) Something similar might be said with regard to anal sex, but it is crucial to add that we have special concerns about this practice. Renowned Christian sex therapists Clifford and Joyce Penner report that the majority of women who engage in anal sex with their husbands admit that they do not enjoy it and feel violated. In such cases, anal sex would appear to breach the biblical concept of mutual respect and enjoyment between partners.

There are also serious medical risks associated with anal sex, including the danger of bacterial and viral infections of the vagina, penis, rectum and anus. That's not to mention that rectal tissue is more delicate and thus more vulnerable to tearing and abrasion than vaginal tissue. With these points in mind, we would strongly caution couples against this practice….

To view the full article, log on to Focus on the Family's website for more spiritual insight and scriptural truths:

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